Honouring the emperor, privileging the family: self-promotion of the elites and the celebration of the emperors in the theatres of Roman Greece, 25.01.2025, Paris.
Communication dans le cadre du collique international organisé par M. Bénaïch et O. Boubounelle Hommages dynastiques
& honneurs familiaux : une célébration croisée, 23-25 janvier 2025, Paris, le samedi 25 janvier de 11h15 à 12h, en Sorbonne, amphithéâtre Guizot et en visioconférence.
Résumé : In spite of their admiration for ancient Greece, Roman emperors did not travel very much to that country. Their absence was surrogated by portrait statues of themselves and of members of the imperial family, which were almost omnipresent in public venues and buildings. Dedications to emperors and some members of the imperial family, often promoted by Greek cities and benefactors, complete the picture. Local elites, which had to cope with such an absence, mainly interacted with governors and representatives of the central power. Their strategies of self-promotion and their social ambitions mainly materialized within public buildings, and theatres, as venues for large amounts of gathered people, offered one of the most ideal locations. The paper explores how phenomena of self-promotion of the local elites and of celebration of the emperors can be observed in the theatres of Roman Greece.
Programme complet ici.